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Booking of Community Hall @ Sprout Hub Facilities

(A) Terms and Conditions

  • Booking of courts open 16 days prior to the desired date, daily at 10 am
  • No refund shall be given if you cancel or change your booking date(s) with or without prior notice 
  • Courts are priced at $10 and $20 at non-peak and peak hours respectively (Court fees subject to change with or without prior notice)
  • Marchant fees of $1.50 per hours shall be apply upon booking (Marchant Fee is non-refundable)
  • Each Slot are only for 55 Minutes duration due to ventilation before the next usage.
  • You may book Facility for a Maximum of 2 consecutive hours. Alternatively, you may book 2 Facilities in the same hour for the same activity. 
  • Please note that all bookings shall be on a first-come-first serve basis and subject to availability and successful paying of booking fees 
  • We reserve the right to close the Community Hall @ Sprout Hub Facility or any part therein, for any reason whatsoever, including without limitation, circumstances beyond our control or in the interest of public safety or closure is ordered by the authorities, with or without prior notice. We shall bear no liability whatsoever in respect of such cancellations. Our decision shall be final and conclusive.

(B) Rules & Regulations (22 July to 18 August 2021)

  • Mask On : Each court is limited to NO MORE than 2 participants in a group, including the coach. Mask must strictly be worn as a default throughout the session, only remove when consuming drink.
  • Mingling among members of different courts is STRICTLY PROHIBITED.
  • FOOD & Consumption of alcoholic beverages is strictly not allowed
  • Smoking is strictly not allowed in Community Hall @ Sprout Hub Facilities.  

C) Contact Details

  • Address: 102 Henderson Rd, Singapore 159562 (Level 2)
  • Contact : 98177881
  • Email: community.hall.sh@gmail.com